"; if ($line['public']==0 && $_SESSION["user"]["user_id"]!="1" && $_SESSION["user"]["user_id"]!="2") echo "秘位Email Contact 傑仔"; else{ if ($line['x']!=''){ echo "".$line['name']." 地圖顯示"; }else echo "".$line['name'].""; } if ($line['public']==1 && $fly_to_upper_location==0){ global $fly_to_upper_location; $fly_to_upper_location=1; global $google_map_x; $google_map_x=$line['x']; global $google_map_y; $google_map_y=$line['y']; global $google_map_zoom; $google_map_zoom=$line['zoom']; global $google_map_point_x; $google_map_point_x=$line['point_x']; global $google_map_point_y; $google_map_point_y=$line['point_y']; } } mysql_free_result($result); return 1; } function select_upper_map($input,$db_link) { $query = "select place_id,ref_place_id,x,y,zoom,public,point_x,point_y from `fishing_db_place` where place_id='".$input."'"; $result = mysql_query($query,$db_link) or die("Query failed: Failed to select from fishing_db_fish"); while ($line=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ if ($line['ref_place_id']!='0') select_upper_map($line['ref_place_id'],$db_link); if ($line['public']==1 && $fly_to_upper_location==0){ global $fly_to_upper_location; $fly_to_upper_location=1; global $google_map_x; $google_map_x=$line['x']; global $google_map_y; $google_map_y=$line['y']; global $google_map_zoom; $google_map_zoom=$line['zoom']; global $google_map_point_x; $google_map_point_x=$line['point_x']; global $google_map_point_y; $google_map_point_y=$line['point_y']; } } mysql_free_result($result); } select_upper_map($place_id,$db_link); function place_sub_path($input,$db_link) { global $place_id_list; $query = "select place_id from `fishing_db_place` where ref_place_id='".$input."'"; $result = mysql_query($query,$db_link) or die("Query failed: Failed to select from fishing_db_fish"); while ($line=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ place_sub_path($line['place_id'],$db_link); $place_id_list[count($place_id_list)]=$line['place_id']; } mysql_free_result($result); } // Inlclude the neccessary modules $_PAGE['title'] = 'Fishing Database 傑仔的釣點和潛點資料庫 '; $_PAGE['meta_keywords'] = '釣魚 船釣 艇釣 釣點 沉船位 青班 石班 西貢 艇家 魚餌 魚獲圖片 釣魚短片 釣魚電影 魚絲 魚鉤 呔魚 排口 大蝦 八爪 三們仔 塔門'; $page_marquee=' This page is written in Chinese language.     Fishing, Diving, lots of fun !     放生BB魚,保護大自然,大家齊響應! Protect the natural environment.'; $_page_top_banner='top_banner.jpg'; $site_helper='5.gif'; //$_page_activate_moving_menu=1; $_page_is_fishing=1; $_page_fish_uncle='left'; $_page_selected_diary='left'; $_page_fish_uncle_boat='left'; include '../modules/default.inc'; $_SESSION["message"]=''; $_SESSION["user"]["site_helper"]=''; //helper ("傑仔的漁獲紀錄","",5); echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; // Include right panel for the fishing site $_page_disable_fish_search=1; $_page_disable_place_search=1; include $server_path."/modules/fishing_right_panel.inc"; echo ""; $_PAGE['keywords_search_list_no_of_words']=4000; $_PAGE['keywords_search_list_range_low']='START_OF_FISHING'; $_PAGE['keywords_search_list_range_high']='END_OF_FISHING'; // Inlclude the neccessary close module include '../modules/default_close.inc'; ?>
"; // Include the page banner $page_banner_no_bgcolor=0; $page_banner='fishing_database.jpg'; include '../modules/page_banner.inc'; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
希望各釣友潛友用來參考! 有一些地方因為是漁民的秘密排口,所以都不能公開了.
資料還會不斷update, 希望各位收穫豐富, 開心好玩!
註 : 資料包括我們所認識的釣友和潛友的漁獲, 並不全部都是我們的收穫
        加上有些資料只是潛水時遇上, 並沒有捕捉, 沒有濫捕唷! 敬請留意
"; // Pre select fish $query = "select * from `fishing_db_fish` order by `order`"; $result = mysql_query($query,$db_link) or die("Query failed : Failed to select from fishing_db_fish"); while ($line=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) $fish[count($fish)]=$line; mysql_free_result($result); // Fish asoc place selection // Pre select fish if ($fish_id!=''){ $query = "select *,b.name fish_name, c.name place_name,c.place_id place_id, b.fish_id fish_id, a.day day, a.month month, a.year year, a.time time from `fishing_db_fish` b, `fishing_db_place_asoc_fish` a, `fishing_db_place` c where a.fish_id=b.fish_id and a.place_id = c.place_id and a.fish_id='".$fish_id."' order by a.year desc, a.month desc, a.day desc, a.time desc"; $result = mysql_query($query,$db_link) or die("Query failed 1: Failed to select from fishing_db_search_result"); while ($line=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $search_result_id=count($search_result); $search_result[$search_result_id]=$line; if ($line['public']==0 && $_SESSION["user"]["user_id"]!="1" && $_SESSION["user"]["user_id"]!="2") $search_result[$search_result_id]['place_name']="秘位Email Contact 傑仔"; // Plot data $tag=strpos($line['quantity'],'('); if ($tag==0) $tag=1; $increment=substr($line['quantity'],0,$tag); $fishing_ydata[$line['month']-1]=$fishing_ydata[$line['month']-1]+(int)$increment; } mysql_free_result($result); $query = "select * from `fishing_db_fish` where fish_id='".$fish_id."'"; $result = mysql_query($query,$db_link) or die("Query failed: Failed to select from fishing_db_fish"); while ($line=mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) $select_target_info=$line; mysql_free_result($result); }else{ // Pre select place // Select sub-places place_sub_path($place_id,$db_link); $place_id_list[count($place_id_list)]=$place_id; // Retrieve place_asoc_fish records for each place in the place list $query = "select *,b.name fish_name, c.name place_name,c.place_id place_id, b.fish_id fish_id, a.day day, a.month month, a.year year, a.time time from `fishing_db_fish` b, `fishing_db_place_asoc_fish` a, `fishing_db_place` c where a.fish_id=b.fish_id and a.place_id = c.place_id and ("; for ($i=0 ; $i
\n"; echo "
\n"; // Google Map ?>
0){ echo "\n"; echo ""; if ($fish_id!='' && $select_target_info['photo'] ==1) echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; for ($i=0 ; $i\n"; $color_flag=2; } else{ echo "\t\n"; $color_flag=1; } echo ""; echo "\t"; echo ""; echo ""; // Method echo ""; // Diary if ($search_result[$i]['fishing_diary_id']!=0) echo ""; else echo ""; echo "\t"; } echo "
"; place_path($search_result[$i]['place_id'],$db_link,$server_path); echo "".$search_result[$i]['fish_name'].""; if ($search_result[$i]['day']!=0) echo $search_result[$i]['day']."-".$search_result[$i]['month']."-"; echo $search_result[$i]['year']; if ($search_result[$i]['time']!=0) echo " ".$search_result[$i]['time']; echo "".$search_result[$i]['quantity'].""; if ($search_result[$i]['method']=='snorkeling') echo "浮潛"; else if ($search_result[$i]['method']=='scuba diving') echo "水肺潛水"; else if ($search_result[$i]['method']=='fishing boat') echo "船釣"; else if ($search_result[$i]['method']=='boat dive') echo "氣0候潛水"; else if ($search_result[$i]['method']=='fishing onshore') echo "岸釣"; else if ($search_result[$i]['method']=='net') echo "漁民網魚(幫忙收網)"; else if ($search_result[$i]['method']=='meet') echo "遇上"; if ($search_result[$i]['bait']!=''){ echo " (魚餌 :"; switch($search_result[$i]['bait']){ case 1 : echo " 青蟲"; break; case 2 : echo " 死蝦肉"; break; } echo ")"; } echo "Link to diary/
"; }else{ helper ("Sorry, 暫時沒有資料 ... 您有資料提供ma? 謝謝你喔!","",5); } } echo "\n"; echo "
"; // Place title_line("位置搜尋","place"); $heretext=<<
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
"; // Fish $fish_search_path='http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t237/uncle_sea_hunter/'; title_line("魚類搜尋","fish"); echo "\n"; for ($i=0 ; $i"; }else if ($fish_search_count_flag==4){ $fish_search_count_flag=0; } if ($fish_id==$fish[$i]['fish_id']){ echo ""; if ($fish_search_count_flag==0){ echo ""; } if ($fish_search_count_flag<4) $fish_search_count_flag++; } echo "
\n"; echo "".$fish[$i]['name']."
"; } else{ echo "
\n"; echo "".$fish[$i]['name']."
"; } if ($fish[$i]['fish_id']==4 || $fish[$i]['fish_id']==3|| $fish[$i]['fish_id']==6|| $fish[$i]['fish_id']==12 ) echo "".$fish[$i]["; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "